Hello there :)
I'm back with day 4 of my trip to Paris. This day is one of my favourites of these 5 days. It was soooo beautiful outside and we were visiting Notre Dame! So gorgeous, stunning, amazing, beautiful and lovely building! I fell in love with it. And places around are just magical. The garden was full of flowers who were enjoying the sunny day and turning their little heads to the sun.
Next to the Notre Dame was a hospital where princess Diana died and we also saw the place where the accident happened on our way home the next day.
In front of the gardens was sitting a guy who was playing the guitar and singing, so I was enjoying this lovely day with good live music, taking photos and chilling. Then we went around some sights near the Notre Dame, looking around markets.
Me and my friends were looking for a Bubble tea shop the whole trip and we were sooo happy when we finally found one here!
When I was editing the photos for this post I've just realised how much I want to visit this city again, but by myself or with my friends. Enjoy the whole atmosphere, no hurry, have a good meal in a restaurant, wear pretty clothes, go shopping. This trip was about too much things to see but too little time. So I was tired the whole trip and was so busy with taking photos of everything to show my family that I forgot to enjoy the trip more than I actually did. So I am looking forward to be back to this city again, because I really love it!
So I hope you enjoy this post, you like the photos and because Christmas is already knocking to the door I've decided to post daily until the new year. Just for a try because I have a holiday from school now. So stay tuned for final day of this series! We were sailing on a boat at a dark and rainy evening and we saw shining Eiffel Tower from the boat which was the most perfect but sad evening at the same time. I'll be back tomorrow at 6pm!