Sunday, 1 February 2015

Weekly Highlights #5

Those who are folowing me on instagram may noticed that I am in love with my new Oriflame lipstick ColourDROP. It's just amazing! It is made to a shape of lips
which is an amazing idea and they have lovely colours too. I've got mine in the colour Melting Pink. Gorgeous colour! I'll be posting review on this lipstick on Wednesday so you can read more about it on Wednesday's post!

It's really cold in our village, it's snowing almost all the time, so I am wearing cosy pijamas this whole week! I love it! I feel warm and comfy and it reminds me of the winter mood where you're sitting in front of a fire with cup of hot tea and book, enjoying that moment. Just lovely.

I went for a walk with my cousin and my dog Kessy today. I took my camera with me and we took some gorgeous pics I need to show you! It was really lovely day and I enjoyed it a lot! Definitely be posting the pictures on Friday so stay tuned! :)

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