Thursday, 2 April 2015

Projects I did in a cooperation with Flod and The Florentine

Hello :))
Today, I want to finally show you some of the projects I did in Italy.
So some of you may know that I am studying graphic design and I like to draw. Our school sent us to research fellowship to Florence. We were working in a graphic studio called Flod in the centre of the city. They are sharing offices with a magazine called The Florentine, which is the English-speaking magazine in Florence. When I first saw the offices I was impressed. I love it there! There were incredible paintings by our ,,boss'' Leo, lovely desks....really beautiful space.
Basically, most of our work was editing articles for the magazine. But after they saw our sketchbooks, they asked us to do some illustrations for posters and then do a whole cover for the next issue! That was a huge thing and I am so grateful for that opportunity! Let me show you the pictures...

This is the cover. All these illustrations are mine, except the three hands. The hands drew my classmate Mária. It was a food issue, so we were drawing a typical food for Florence and Italy. I enjoyed it a lot.

These three posters were for a writing contest. You can see all generations on the poster. It supposed to be an inspiration for people to write. I remember that Marco told me that we are all writers. We write text messages, emails, we are chatting on social networks all day...that's why we did three posters instead of only one. I love that idea. And the funny thing about this last poster is, that the man on the sofa is my dad, actually, haha.

Here are some illustration, which were used inside the magazine. It was a recipe.

And that's it. I hope you enjoyed it and liked the illustrations. It's been and honor for me to do illustrations for such a big projects...
Tomorrow I'll be posting an article about what I bought in Italy. So if you're a huge shopaholic and you are curious about what I bought, be sure to click the LIKE button on my Facebook page for not missing it!

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